Published Articles

Machine Guarding Best Practices

Lockout Tagout Assessing Alternative Measures

June 2023

Machine Guarding Best Practices

How to Assess and Design Guarding for Older Machines

September 2022

Machine Guarding Best Practices

March 2022

A Common Sense Approach to Your Protective Eyewear Selection

Combining Safety Job Hazard Analysis & Lean Six Sigma to Improve Machine Guarding

December 2016

Onsite Training

If you are looking for onsite training, please fill out the form below.

Free Training Material

ODIZ Safety FREE Online Training Source Material 

Bench Grinder Safety Training

If you are looking for training on Bench Grinder Safety OSHA 1910.215, this is a outline of all the potential safety concerns within a bench grinder machine. There is also an outline of PPE, Admin Controls, and Engineered Solutions (Including our Patented No-Go Grinder Safety Stand).

When performing an on-site assessment, 80% of the work (Non-Value Added) is completed offsite, which is gathering information, notes, and pictures. Thus, we have developed an App that automated the data, images, and risk assessment information. The App also auto-generates a report. This endeavor allows us to reduce costs and deliver a high-end machine guarding assessment at a lower price compared to competitors.

General Machine Guarding Training

If you are looking for training on general machine guarding for the general employee population, this training will be great!

ODIZ Safety launched a full service team for environmental, safety, IH, and ergonomic consultative services. The SERVICES group can handle all special and/or compliance type needs including assessments, permits, procedures & policies. 

Lean Six Sigma + Machine Guarding Training (Advanced)

If you are looking for Advanced training for yourself, maintenance or engineering team, this is the training you want to review!

When performing an on-site assessment, 80% of the work (Non-Value Added) is completed offsite, which is gathering information, notes, and pictures. Thus, we have developed an App that automated the data, images, and risk assessment information. The App also auto-generates a report. This endeavor allows us to reduce costs and deliver a high-end machine guarding assessment at a lower price compared to competitors.