Machine Guarding

  • Identify Machine Hazards
  • Prioritized Machine Safety Risk
  • Equipment and Machine Guarding Inventory Development
  • Solution Recommendations (OSHA, ANSI, NFPA, etc. with cost estimates)
  • Minimal Site Resource Needs


  • Focus on Established Priorities
  • Detailed Machine Measurements
  • Operations and Maintenance Input
  • Design Construction Output
  • Electronic Needs for Interlocks and Electrical Controls
  • Design Sketches with Dimensions and Materials
  • Detailed Quotes


  • Materials Drop Shipped Day Prior to Installation
    • • Organize Materials
    • • Coordinate with Installation Team
  • Prepare for Next Install Event if Necessary
  • Audit & Certify Installation for Compliance.

Safety Through Innovation

ODIZ combines EHS Services with our patented & custom products to be your single source turnkey solutions supplier.

Machine Guarding Assessments

A detailed risk assessment is the first step to improve machine safety and compliance. The quantitative risk assessment process results in a prioritized road map to focus resources. All Odiz machine risk assessments are completed by Certified Machine Safety Experts (CMSE®).

With over 50 years of uniquely combined environmental health and safety, electrical engineering, laser safety, machine maintenance and custom fabrication experience, Odiz provides unmatched experience to solve your company’s most complex guarding safety concerns.

Machine Guarding Risk Assessment

Our basic machine guarding risk assessment service is performed to the OSHA 1910.212 standard and incorporates common ANSI references. The machine guarding risk assessment provides the customer with:

Identification of machine guarding hazards

The Odiz machine safety expert assigned to your project will perform a detailed review of site machinery to identify all potential machine related safety and compliance deficiencies. Utilizing our unique machine guarding mobile app while performing the assessment allows for efficient data collection while incorporating OSHA, ANSI/ISO, NFPA, IEC, and your internal corporate machine guarding standards as applicable.

Solution recommendations with budgetary cost estimates

With our assessment, we provide budgetary cost estimates for each machine component where a potential deficiency has been identified. The detailed cost estimate along with the risk level, allows for the implementation plan to be based on risk and solution cost. With the included PFMEA, potential risk reduction is easily measured for future state planning.

Evaluation, determination, and quantification of risk utilizing PFMEA principles

Every machine component is risk ranked utilizing a PFMEA process. This allows customers rank machine operations by risk. Using this method, severity, frequency of interaction, and controls are incorporated.

Equipment and machine guarding inventory list

For site machine guarding assessments, customers receive a complete machine guarding inventory of their site equipment. Engineering controls and guarding solutions are recommended based on deficiencies identified through the assessment. This also facilitates ongoing and routine internal guarding inspections, safety audits and supports equipment maintenance management.

Prioritized recommendations to reduce risk and enhance machine safety and compliance

Designed to improve employee safety and to ensure operators can perform their tasks as effectively or more effectively in the future with safety controls in place.

Virtual Machine Guarding Assessments

Odiz offers a virtual machine guarding assessment service that can be utilized to assess smaller sites with less complex equipment.

The Odiz virtual machine guarding assessment process offers the benefit of potential reporting time reduction and cost savings.

For smaller operations with simple equipment basic saws, drill presses, manual milling machines, etc., Odiz offers a Virtual Machine Guarding Assessment service. can be performed if a customer has an interest. 

The virtual assessment requires site representative(s) to download the Odiz machine guarding assessment app to their mobile device, obtain login credentials, and input machine information including photos using the mobile application.

Once the site representative(s) acquires all the necessary machine, component, and risk determination information using the app, Odiz can review the information remotely and provide the assessment report based on the information that is collected by the site representative.

Note: The site representative(s) must have technical knowledge of the machines within the scope along with an understanding of machinery hazards and a basic understanding of machine guarding fundamentals.

ISO/ANSI Machine Safety Risk Assessments

Odiz offers machine safety risk assessments that meet international and national technical standards including ISO 12100, ANSI B11 and incorporating Type B & C standards where applicable.

An Odiz machine risk assessment process is a documented physical examination and inspection of a machine, process or piece of work equipment carried out under the guidelines of national and/or international standards.

The purpose of the Risk Assessment is:

  • To identify hazards associated with the equipment,
  • Estimate the risk,
  • Evaluate the risk,
  • Determine the risk reduction that may be applied to reduce the risk in accordance with applicable legislation, standards, and best industry practices.

Risk assessments must be dynamic. If the work equipment or the work itself changes, the risks must be re-assessed.

Industrial Robot and Collaborative Robot Risk Assessments

A risk assessment is required for all industrial and collaborative robot systems.

Robot and machine hazards are often protected by traditional safeguarding techniques. Collaborative robots present the risk of operators and the robot working side by side.

Odiz machine safety experts can support your robot risk assessment requirements utilizing the ANSI RIA 15.06 and ISO 10218 standards.

Design Facilitations

The Odiz Design Facilitation is a process that involves site operations, maintenance and engineering to design the best safeguarding system for a particular machine. A design facilitation typically the next step after a machine safety risk assessment or once priorities have been established.

Onsite Design Facilitation

The Design Facilitation service provides an Odiz an expert to work directly with your machine operator(s), maintenance rep(s), and supervision to design the best custom guarding solution as possible. With total involvement, all aspect has the voice to determine what features may be required, thus creating team buy in. The Design Facilitation is to define custom design specifications where standard off the shelf guarding does not work with a particular machine or process. This includes onsite facilitation and custom design drawings, material specifications of team generated solutions to protect the operators and comply with the regulatory requirements.

  • Being a collaborative process, all stakeholders can provide input and determine design features, thus creating team buy in.
  • The design facilitation process output provides conceptual and engineering drawings of customized electro-mechanical solutions.

Virtual Design Facilitation

For less complex equipment, Odiz offers a virtual design facilitation process. This involves a site representative downloading and utilizing the Odiz Design Facilitation App and/or custom design forms and performing the Design Facilitation with a remote Odiz machine expert.

Installation Services

Odiz provides installation services throughout North America. Our expert mechanical and electrical technicians can install or work directly with your team to install any product or custom guarding solution that Odiz provides.

If utilization of internal resources for installation is preferred, Odiz offers installation oversite services remotely and onsite.

Odiz Field Installations

For turnkey projects, Odiz has a field installation team. For these installations, Odiz ships the guarding materials and Jobox in advance of the installation date. Upon installation, our team coordinates with your operations, maintenance, and safety team to ensure all necessary procedures are implemented to ensure a safe and efficient installation process.

Odiz Installation Oversight

If utilization of internal resources for installation is preferred, Odiz offers installation oversite services.

Odiz Remote Installation Support

Post Compliance Verification & Validation

No safeguarding installation project is complete until a post installation review has been completed and residual risk has been documented and assessed. All installations performed by Odiz is accompanied by a documented post installation compliance verification.


How do I schedule a Machine Guarding Assessment?

574-318-4333 or contact us at sales@odiz.com

How long does it take to receive the report?

Typically, the assessment documentation takes from one to two weeks to complete.

Does Odiz perform assessments to meet the OSHA machine guarding standards?

At the very minimum the 1910.212 OSHA machine guarding requirements is referenced however we incorporate the ANSI B11 and NFPA electrical safety standards where applicable. Upon customer request Odiz can perform assessments to ISO 12100:2010, European standards for machine safety (EU and ISO/IEC) and company internal management system policies.

What type of post Risk Assessment support does Odiz offer?

Upon receiving your Odiz Safety Machine guarding risk assessment you will have a detailed machine guarding inventory that meets OSHA 1910 (minimum compliance standard) &/or ANSI B11.19 (Best Practice) assessment. As well as the report you will receive an excel file that allows you to sort the quantitative risk ranked machine hazard analysis. We also include recommendations for customized & standard guarding for the identified hazards. Finally, we provide a budgetary price for every machine covered in assessment which may include up to the following services & products:

How much does Odiz charge for its services?

Odiz daily rate is starts at $2,850 but increases based on project work scope. Typically. a 2-day on-site assessment is $5,350. This rate covers the onsite data collection, offsite report assembly, virtual close-out meeting and includes most travel expenses. In some cases, travel expenses may vary based on location and/or circumstances. For locations outside of North America please contact us directly for pricing at sales@odiz.com.

What resources is my company required to provide Odiz while onsite?

We request a small area with connectivity to set up a laptop workstation. For machine guarding assessments, we request a point of contact for general and process related questions. This individual does not need to be with the Odiz rep full time throughout the day. For design facilitations, we request that an operations and a maintenance representative be present. Also, we converse with machine operators on specific task related questions during both machine guarding assessments and design facilitations.

Does Odiz offer any other services?

Yes, Odiz has team members with years of EHS management experience. Refer to the other services section for our other service capabilities.

What are the next steps after the risk assessment?

Yes, Odiz has team members with years of EHS management experience. Refer to the other services section for our other service capabilities.

Post Assessment Offerings


Odiz Safety has a manufacturing facility focused on building our patented, off the shelf, and custom machine guards. Odiz has the capabilities for any electro-mechanical solution even if it does not exist today. Odiz specializes on making custom solutions.

  1. Odiz Safety is dedicated to “Safety Through Innovation” by developing and patenting multiindustries machine guarding concerns, like our No-Go Grinder Safety Stand and our No-Go Grinder Safety Gauge.
  2. Odiz manufacturing location in South Bend Indiana is a full electro-mechanical manufacturer of machines and machine guarding solutions. Our capabilities include general machining, fabrication, powder coating, and panel electronic integration.
  3. Odiz is not biased to any electrical component manufacturer, thus we can design with components your organization is used to supporting, which may be but not limited to: Panasonic, Eaton, Keyence, Allen Bradley, Omron, and/or many others.
  4. LSS/IoT – Odiz is familiar with many Lean Six Sigma (LSS) &/or Industry 4.0 (IoT) initiatives. If you are looking for advanced machine guarding integrations, Odiz can provide new implementation plans &/or current system integration designs.

In some cases, Odiz may provide multiple recommendations within their risk assessment report. Odiz tries to stress the importance of moving towards engineered controlled solutions, but we understand that in some instances they can cost significantly more and may be more difficult to implement. Thus, administrative controlled guarding is sometime a chosen solution. When this occurs, specific machine guarding safety training should be conducted and done on a regular basis. Since Odiz has the full scope and images of the machine and hazards we can conduct training sheets for you to implement and sustain the training or Odiz perform online or onsite training for the operators, maintenance staff, and supervision. Odiz is available for continuous reoccurring training if desired.

Other EHS Services

In the case of performing a risk assessment, if Odiz EHS services representative notices any additional Environmental, Health, &/or Safety concerns, they may discuss the concerns with the site representative. It may include additional EHS recommendation which could include but not limited to:

  • Laser Safety Assessments and Services
  • Environmental & Safety Compliance Audits
  • EHS Compliance Training
  • Industrial Hygiene Assessments & Control
  • EHS Data Management System Integration
  • Job Hazard Analysis
  • Machine Guarding Assessments
  • Machine Stop Calculations
  • Machine Specific Energy Control Procedures (LOTO)
  • Sling & Custom Lifting Device Certification & Inspections
  • Noise Assessments & Control
  • Forklift Training & Certification
  • Emergency Response Planning
  • RCRA Compliance & Reporting
  • Wastewater Permitting & Reporting
  • Air Emission Permitting & Reporting
  • EPCRA Tier II & 313 Reporting
  • EHS Specialist Staffing

Laser Safety Services

Laser manufactures come to Odiz to ensure their products are safe for use in the manufacturing environment. We start with a class 4 laser and then design, manufacture and certify it as a safe class 1 laser system for use in the field. With a senior level Laser Safety Officer on staff at Odiz, we provide safety support services to laser users in the manufacturing, construction and medical field. Similar to our machine guarding services, Odiz provides laser safety assessments, design facilitations, and installation oversight as part of our laser safety services. Our machine guarding assessment service provides customers with the following:
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